Over a three-week period in October 2002, the Gulf War veteran John Allen Muhammad killed 10 people as they went about their daily routine. Acting with an accomplice, the sniper attacks were carried out from the boot of a modified Chevrolet Caprice. Post 9/11 anti-terrorist laws were applied in order to execute Muhammad by lethal injection on the 10th of November, 2009.
Allied soldier’s photograph of the Jahra Highway strewn with bombed vehicles. After being forced out of Kuwait, Iraqi troops were leaving the burning oil wells behind them and retreating back to Bagdad. U.S. pilots were shown recent news reports of the bombing of a nearby army barracks before being ordered to stop the retreating convoy at all costs. The attack lasted two days.
Signal Hill, part of the Long Beach Oil Field, one of the most productive in the world. The plots of land had been sold to potential homeowners who promptly changed their minds and entered into the oil business, hoping to get rich quick. The next-of-kin would eventually receive royalty checks for oil extracted from beneath the graves in the nearby cemetery.
After completion in Paris, the Statue of Liberty was accepted in 1886 by President Grover Cleveland on behalf of the United States. He said: 'We will not forget that liberty has here made her home'.